Friday, August 19, 2011

because people asked for it

Because everyone has been asking about it I will compose a post in Seereer.

Kaam yok'u a betick fo dix hurs nal nu refna. Naktu'u fo buro fo bure fo tea, leke leke naktu'u oatmeal. A cing kaga kaam simina fop es. No nges ne kaam jelle'u no nding a cing ndooke es fo moofum fo lirum no bind es. No nal ne kaam sutu'u saate es fo simina winwe, par example: nam fi'o, ta mbind na, jam some jeggo. Kaam moof fo liy'u fo win we no mbind  din. No yong ne kaam moof balaa mbind es fo magg o kor es, bobacar. Kaam naam'u achuta no huit hurs. Ju'u malo fo lip yong nu refna. A cing kaga kaam moof fo basil es boo par kaam wondum.
Indiki liyum naak ndaxar
Balaa ret'u Kaolack, kaam ret'u baptina cougin. Kaam detum a fap um bulaat no bebe. A cing kaga kaam siminum win we fo  a nayaa ndoox no tookor es. Ndoox a jega rew o way, a cing simina rew o way kaam moof'u.
Da lamita "tomar of a jega rat"
kaam liyum "andiim, Tomar es a xooxan indiki"
da liya "magg o kor a jega rat um myu"
"Nam ando magg o kor rat um fo Garra a anda, ando o kor rat um?"
a cing liy'um o tew a deta a fess a geta mi.
a liya "bugo o tess"
"ha'ha bugiim o tewo"
"yam xar? A jega rat um fo a jega kumba um mban a jikukaa sucrose fo buro a garkaa ndoox of no reef o lang."
"ha'ha a faagna" (said as I am slapping my elbows to my side)

So because I am board I am not going to translate this, instead please write what you think the translation is for my amusement and leave it in the comment box or mail it to me on facebook. The best one might get a surprise.


  1. Jim: I have no idea. At first glance, I think it has something to do with the chicken dance (slapping your elbows to your side). I guess this would fit from the macarena and thriller dances a while back. Mom and I will have to think on this. Good to hear from you. Such adventures! Take care. A package is on its way sometime soon. We just have to get the package together.Will e-mail when it goes out. Love Dad (and Mom)

  2. I can't believe I missed this! You asked for it, here it goes:

    It took me ten hours to pull the ticks out of my yogurt. Then my brother asked me if I would like to drink my tea naked, but I said I only like naked oatmeal. At 5:00, we went to the cinema. But nobody else showed up at 5:00 because they were eating jelly beans on the cow farm. Actually, no one ever goes to the cinema because they are usually studying many subjects, for example: fire eating, tap dancing, jam and waffle making. I stepped on one once when no one was there. The young people do not have good balance, so they can't step on them, and they can't go bobsledding. I am older though, and managed to come out of the shoot after practicing for 8 hours. It was really bad though, because my lips were broken. A spectator felt bad for me and gave me some basil to put on my wounds.
    Anyway, I read in bed until I had a cowlick, then we baptized a cougar. It splashed until we shot it with a baby bullet. Then we sang songs even though there was no choir, and it was made of win. An orthodox man ran away, all the way back to the cow farm.
    Lamita said, "Drink a Jewish rat!"
    And I said, "Indeed, I drink them regularly."
    Then she said, "You can have one of my Jewish rats."
    And I said, "May I take an extra rat for Garra, as well as a rat for myself?"
    She was silent for a few minutes, then confessed she had none to give me.
    I said, "Let's play bug toss."
    "Haha, I have two bugs."
    "Oh really? A Jewish rat for a Jewish bug on a sucralose diet is not an equal trade."
    "Haha, you hooker!" (said as I am slapping my elbows to my side)

    I am pretty confident about this one. ;)

  3. I think it definitely says the following:

    Mønti Pythøn lk den Hølie Grailen Røtern nik Akten Di

    Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yer? See the løveli lakes. The wonderful telephøne system And mani interesting furry animals Including the majestic møøse A Møøse once bit my sister ... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink". Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...


    That's definitely what it says, yeah?

  4. I will pretend for the next 10 minutes that I don't speak this lovely language, and am translating through the virginal eyes of a blissful (ie. Sereer ignorant) American.

    But, to be obnoxious, you're not board, you're bored. Assuming you haven't turned into a board, which, let's face it, is entirely possible. So, board Jim, who I can no longer lose to Chess against because you are game master, this is my condensed version of the conversation (because every hour of spoken Sereer can probably be distilled into one minute of content). Please enjoy, or, hate lovingly : )

    Fatou, mid pulling water: Friends emerge from well fed compound, Fatou, put down the Beignoire.


    We need to talk to you. You can put aside the washing, your husband is of accord. We, Fatou (please, dear, sit), are staging an intervention. You are addicted to Sugar. Sit down on that stump over there and we will all tell you how your sugar habit has affected us all. Your behavior, as of late, has been a village wide problem, come on, Samba, duh.

    Witness #1: Fatou, last week you burnt the beans. Everyone was disappointed, and I saw you drinking ataya right beforehand. I think you were high on the sugar.

    Witness #2: You dropped your baby. Right on its head. I saw you eating lollipops on the same day.

    Witness #3: Same baby! Right on its head. I love you, Fatou, but your baby just can't handle all of the millet pounding. Which you only do when sugar high.

    Witness #4: Fatou, honestly, your behavior has not affected my life at all. Im just here for the food. Food at interventions is the best!

    Case and point. We could continue, but, you know where this is going! Peace Corps Pink Eye epidemic. Im going to wash my hands and save you from my germs.

    Offer me amy cadeau now, Toubab.
    : )

  5. Jim: In the attempt to master your new language, we have come up with the following translation. Stay Tuned for:

    Dancing With Goats:

    One day, Jim was walking down the main path to the village, with a bowl of oatmeal on the back of his trusted sidekick, a goat named Rat. On the way to the village, Jim was stopped by a wise elder.

    "My Young Goat Milk", said the elder.
    "Yes", said Jim.
    "Dance the Macerena for me".
    "I will. And I have taught my goat to dance the macerena too."

    So Jim and the Goat danced the macerena.

    "Ah, Young Goat Milk" said the wise elder. "Now dance the Thriller dance for me."

    So Jim and his goat danced the Thriller dance for the wise elder.Just at that time, a jeep came down the road with George Clooney. George Clooney stopped his jeep suddenly and began to stare at Jim dancing with his goat.

    "I am scouting locations for the sequel to my movie "Men Who Stare at Goats". I will call this new movie "Dancing with Goats". This is perfect. I will cast my movie here."

    The wise elder smiled and gave permission for Mr. Clooney if he would include Jim's famous cousin, Brad Pitt and Angelina as stars. The whole village was excited at the thought of Brad and Angelina and all their children who could come over and play with the village children.

    When Brad and Angelina arrive with their children, Mr. Clooney then realizes how much Jim looks like a younger and handsomer Brad Pitt and immediately casts Jim as co star in the movie.

    Filming starts and Jim's big moment arrives. Jim heads a dance sequence in which porridge is poured over him surrounding by a chorus of goats backed by villagers all throwing porridge at each other dancing around a baobab tree, flapping their arms at Angelina.

    The movie is made and becomes a commercial block buster. It eventually wins 47 Academy Awards including Best Dancer and Porridge Thrower with Goats - Jim Bick.

    That's it. Where's our prize?

    Love Mom and Dad
