Tuesday, September 27, 2011

wet hot Senegalese rainy season

I am sorry I have not written in a month, but the computer at the regional house blue-screened and has been MIA for a while. So, while I am in Dakar, I am going to fully enjoy the massive amount of internets. This month has been very busy for me work wise. First, I had a second round of moringa causeries where we taught the women of the village to make and cook with moringa powder. Basically you dry the leaves and pound them up, but you can barely tast the moringa and it is incredibly healthy for you. Anyway, no one came so I had to strong arm seven women in the village to come to the meeting. The women that did come were engaged and it looked like they were learning something, now if they actually implimented what they learned I don't know. You can't make anyone change unless they want to, but I can present the information again, or three times. The next weekend I went down to touba couda to help with the reforestation of Mangroves. That involved 30 peace corps volunteers and about 50 senegalese, mostly children, walking up and down a beach in the middle of the mangrove forest during the hot part of the day. In the end we planted 5 hectares of mangroves and had one massive water fight. Then we spent the rest of the day lounging around the delta. I also can not believe it, but there is such a drastic difference in the landscape, I am a the top of the mangrove forest and just and about 10k west of my site it is huge, like actually being in a forest. Then this week I went up to Dakar to help with the Us embassies summer englsh camps. Basically we are running a camp for middle school kids that have advanced english speaking abilities. So the first part is to get the kids to speak engish and the second part is to indroduce them to american culture. So we are having them do sack races, frisbee games (wich they are really good at) theater sketches, that kinda thing. Other than that I have been pigging out on food up here. Last night I went to a really good Ethiopian rooftop restaurant and tonight we are finding a really good italian restaurant. Also I have gotten some good translations on the sereer post I have decided to leave it open for one more month so after hallowen best translation gets a prize, just post in comments or mail me on facebook.  The post is because people asked for it.


  1. Jim: Italian food in Dakar. Who would have thought it. Good for you for re-foresting Senegal. We are sure the locals and the local wildlife appreciate this. It looks as though you are having such an interesting experience. Send pictures! We love you..... Dad and Mom

  2. I think I'm jealous... we don't even have a good Italian restaurant here in the Missouri Ozarks ;-) Do hope you're able to post some more photos here on your blog. We are so much enjoying reading about your experiences!

  3. Heather & I know what Moringa is! We sold moringa scented stuff @ the body shop! hahaha That's funny. Well.. To me, maybe. Be safe! Love & miss you!
