Saturday, September 3, 2011

what happens when you finnally have blood sugar

now that Ranadan is over with and everyone is setteled into there normal routiens, mainly of lunch, life is much the same has it has been. Humid, people going out the fields and me doging marrage proposals. The fun part was Korite, the day after Ramadan ended. People got all dressed up and whent to the moquse, after that poeple would ask forgivness for all the wrongs they did aginst people that year. So for a day I went around to every compound and talked to people, got pictures that kinda thing. Then about one hour before lunch every one put out goat parts with macceroni and oinon sauce. Then a roving gangs of kids came around and started chowing down then moved to the next house, and repeated the process. Then we had lunch and it was amazing goat with vegies and fried rice. During the hot part of the day we sat around and drank attya and then once it was cooled down every one started dancing and drumming. Wich this went on for long into the night and people would come by randomly and give me food presents. I litterally ate untill I exploded wich was awsome to because I learned the Seereer word for explode jefe. Then the next morning we had spicy goat hart water with millit for breakfast wich was amazing.
I am slightly sad that no one else has tried there hand at translating my Seereer post. I will deffenitly send  a present to who comes up with the best one.


  1. Good to read you are back in the swing of things. Keep busy and don't accept any herd of goats. We will talk with you soon. We love you.

    Dad and Mom

  2. I am going to its on your facebook.
    Marylin did it as well.
    I got three letters from you and read them to the kids. Can't wait to get more.
    Hope you get my letters.
